COREmpower Social Media Acceptable Use


The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for staff, consultants, volunteers, members, stakeholders and affiliated groups. This policy covers the conduct and expectations, policies, audiences, definitions, standards, guidelines and examples for employees and the public when participating in COREmpower’s social media or social networking platforms.

COREmpower must ensure the use of social media communications maintains our brand, identity, integrity and reputation while minimising legal risks, inside or outside of the workplace.

Social Media can move quickly and be challenging and is to be used to convey information about company products and services, promote and raise awareness COREmpower’s brand, search for potential new markets, communicate with employees and customers to brainstorm, issue or respond to breaking news or negative publicity, and discuss corporate, business-unit and department-specific activities and events.


Social Media or social networking includes all forms of online publishing and discussion, including but not limited to: blogs, wikis, file‐sharing, user‐ generated video and audio, social networks and other social networking applications. At present, COREmpower is engaged with social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, and we intend to embrace all new social media environments that may appear in the future.

Company Policy & Guidelines

Authorised users

Employees must be authorised by one of the COREmpower Directors, based on employee job responsibilities, to engage in work-time social media sites. All employees must identify themselves as employees of COREmpower or their affiliation and expertise when posting to COREmpower’s social media.

Content guideline

For social media including COREmpower content must be relevant, meet specified goals or purposes and add value COREmpower’s brand. Any copyrighted or confidential information requires written or verbal authorisation from COREmpower before it can be published and should be properly attributed. All content must conform to all appropriate laws and regulations, as well as guidelines adopted by and governing the industry, such as privacy laws. Content must be polite and respectful. All messaging should maintain the same tone as if interacting with someone in person on behalf of the organisation.

Editorial control

COREmpower is authorised to remove any content that does not meet the rules and guidelines of the aforementioned policy or may be illegal or offensive. Removal of such information will be done without permission of the author or advance warning. COREmpower expects all public users (non-employees, non- members, non-stakeholders) to abide by all guidelines of this policy and COREmpower reserves the right to take the same action as mentioned above in removing offensive or illegal content. Social media comments from public users that require response will be addressed in a timely but thoughtful, and respectful manner.

Personal Rules & Guidelines

Employees are expected to follow the guidelines and policies set forth below to provide a clear line between you as the individual and you as the employee of COREmpower.

COREmpower respects the right of employees to use social media forums for self-publishing and self expression on personal time but unless specifically authorised by department head or manager, employees are not permitted to use forms of social media during working hours or at anytime on company computers or any other company-supplied devices unless the employee is authorized to speak on the organisation's behalf.

Social networking sites have blurred the line between private and public activity. In many ways, today’s social media pages have replaced the written letters of the past but are more visible. Your social media posts—even if you intend them to be solely personal messages to your friends or family—can be easily circulated beyond your intended audience. This content, therefore, represents you and the organisation to the outside world.

Employees will be held personally liable for any commentary that is considered defamatory, obscene, proprietary or libelous by any offended party up to and including, COREmpower when on company’s time or using company computers or company-supplied devices.

Employees are prohibited from harassing, discriminating or disparaging against any employee or anyone affiliated with or doing business with COREmpower.

Employees are prohibited from posting company’s name, trademark or logo or any company-privileged information, including but not limited to: copyrighted information or company-issued documents unless authorised by COREmpower.

Employees are prohibited from promoting personal projects or endorsing other brands, causes or opinions without the use of a disclaimer to separate employee’s personal uses with those of COREmpower.

Employees shall use discretion in responding to public users through social media and use a respectful and courteous tone.


Violations of the above policy will be enforced under current employee personnel policies regarding personal conduct, supervisory discipline, reprimand, performance evaluation and/or employment termination.