That is the Consumer Movement

The mental health term "consumer" arose in the
70s through the "Consumer movement" which advocated
that people using mental health services
had a right to good service,
communication and self-autonomy for the
services they are paying to use.

It defined ‘patients‘ as ‘consumers‘, signifying a change in the power dynamic between them and clinicians.

The Consumer Movement

The movement was in reaction

against two main things

assumptions and what is normal, and;

the erosion of and violation of human rights which occurred under previous models of mental health core where normality was defined and enforced by professionals.

The consumer movement further argues that belonging to and having fundamental human rights honoured are prerequisites to recovery and not the results.

Essentially, the movement resulted in turning mental health treatment frameworks on their head to give an autonomy back to the consumer.

" The consumer argues that citizenship and fundamental rights
are prerequisties to recovery, its results"

C. Bonsack.
The Roots of the Recovery
Movement in psychiatry, 2012


There are two main meanings of "recovery"; functional and personal, the clinical definition of recovery means that the sick person demonstrates full symptoms remisson and returns to normal state and normal function, as rated by a clinician. and we intend to make this the norm.

[Slade , 2012, van Os et al, 2019, Mif, 2017]

The personal definition of recovery focuses on the outcome perceived by and defined by the individual.

[Bonsack , 2012, Le Boutillier et al, 2012]

Recovery is described as a deeply meaningful personal, unique process of changing one's attitudes, values, feelings, goals, skills, and/or roles. It is living a satisfying, hopeful, and contributing life even with limitations.

[Anthony , 1993]